Report a Claim
Have a claim to report? Our specialized claim managers are your first point of contact, personally handling and providing oversight for your claim.

How to Report a Claim
Please follow the instructions below for the type of claim you need to report.

Report a Workers Compensation, Auto, Property, or General Liability Claim
Click on the link below to start the online submission process:
If online claim submission is not an option for you, please submit claim via phone call, email or fax using the following information:
Phone: 866.499.5239
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 855.999.9033

Cybersecurity Incidents, Data Privacy Breaches and E&O Claims
To report a cybersecurity incident, data privacy breach, or an E&O claim (cyber and non-cyber), please inform your agent or broker and contact BTU at the following dedicated phone number or email address:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 855.787.7500
For cyber-related matters, BTU has partnered with the breach coordination firm MOXFIVE to assist our insureds with initial triage services as well as the development and coordination of data breach response plans through a network of approved service providers. When reporting a claim or incident, please be prepared to provide the name of your organization, the name, phone number and email address of the appropriate contact, and your BTU policy number. If the incident is reported between 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., a MOXFIVE technical advisor will contact you promptly, seven days a week, typically within 2 hours. A BTU claim professional will also contact you the same or next business day. Non-cyber E&O claims will be immediately forwarded to a BTU claim professional for handling.
Workers Compensation Resources
Visit the link below to view the workers compensation claim kit. The claim kit is provided to new workers compensation policyholders and their agents, as well as to all current policyholders when their policies renew. It contains important claims department contact information, instructions, and forms.